Tuesday 6 October 2009

Evolvement Of Ideas

Since the ideas I first created I have come up with a narrative and a structure to work on for 3 film ideas I have the first is about a small town where everything is nice and the town is a community, until you see a dark alley way of some kind with a shady figure. The dark character has found a lever, and decides to pull. The whole the town goes black and white and the town are in shock and distress. One of the commuters finds the lever and pulls. The town goes back to colour. the shady comes back and pulls the lever, but this time takes the level with him leaving the town in black and white and the audience guessing will the town stay like that forever. I have decided for this film to be a thriller aiming at ages between 16 - 40 because its a mysterious but yet fun short film which i think will be enjoyed by those ages. The representation in this film will be that the hero and the villain are both men who they usually are, but the villain will have a disfigurement (a disability) to make him seem different. The narrative will be a linear narrative with a beginning, middle and end, this narrative will also be one by Propp who said that each film has a set of characters like the hero, villain, princess etc.
my second idea is point of view short film where it seems that its a person getting up to go to work for instance, but it turns out to be a dog, so people are caught of guard when watching. The narrative for this film is again linear but the theory for this short film is one by Roland Barthes who came up with codes that makes narratives work. The 2 that suit this film is the action code and enigma code. The action code is where a model of actions helps the viewers place details in plot sequences and determine how much action should be shown. So it can help me how much i should disguise the fact the man person is actually a dog, or give some hints that it is.
My third idea is the main idea; this is a film/horror film. A detective is on the case of mysterious killings which all seem to be the same, he talks to someone about the killings at his desk. (the detective has recently stopped smoking and that’s one point they get on to) he goes outside for a cigar but decides he has come to far and falls asleep.(dream) he wakes up hearing a scream and runs to it. When he reaches there, there is a woman standing in the middle of the road, he calls out to her and she runs at him. Just before they touch he wakes up and zooms out and turns out he is the killer. (Because ever since he stopped smoking he has manifested a new bad habit) the narrative for the story is linear, but could be seen as an open structure where the viewer is left wondering. My theory for this film comes from Todorov where came up with the equilibrium where everything is as it should be, but then suffers an equilibrium creating a new equilibrium.

1 comment:

  1. Okay Ben. Make sure though that you read over your writing thoroughly though. Capital letters at the beginning of a sentence please.
