Monday 4 January 2010

First Filming Session

I had my first filming session and it went quite well, I was able to film about half of my film but there were a couple of limitations, life for instance, I wanted to film the whole film in that day, but it started getting too dark when I was filming outside, so all I got was the inside scenes and the beginning scene outside. The second limitation was that some of the shots I used in my storyboard couldn't really fit with the actual filming like the hall way was too small to track the subjects by the side, there was a mirror on the wall that could not be moved also in the hall way and noises in the background like cars driving by that didn't help with the quietness of the scene I wanted it to be.

I will be filming again very shortly and it will be prepared so that the outside scenes will be done first and as quick as possible.

1 comment:

  1. This is fine Ben, but you need capital letters at the start of a sentence please and whenever you write 'I' it must be a capital letter.
