Friday 4 December 2009

Character Profiles

Main Character – Noah Gray
Schizophrenic – Jack Oswald
Dead Wife – Coral Gray

Noah Gray

• Gender – Male

• Age – 39

• Costume - Shirt (white), Coat, and Trousers.

• About Him – Noah Gray is a determined man who has a passion for his job because it makes him feel like a superhero. Recently he has become quite ill and has started to see flashes of his dead wife, which makes him feel distraught and even more ill. He believes his recent illness is to do with the fact that he has stopped smoking making him frustrated and fidgety also.

• History – A few years ago Noah had a wife who was tragically killed in a car crash. The crash was seen as an accident but only Noah knew it was his fault. If there was just the crash she would of survived, but because Noah was smoking whilst driving The cigarette was dropped into a puddle of petrol leaking from the car which started of the fire and the explosion, killing his wife.

Jack Oswald

• Gender – Male

• Age – 21

• Costume – Jeans, T-Shirt, and a Coat.

• About Him – Jack is a client of Noah’s and has been for a year now, he is a schizophrenic who has no family, friends and hardly knows anyone. He never leaves his house, which was given to him by his dead parents and has trouble paying for the bills, and so lives in a house with no heating, electricity and gas. Noah does not bother with Jack any more, but goes round everyday for sympathy.

• History – N/A

Coral Gray

• Gender – Female

• Age – 35

• Costume – T-shirt, Jeans and Make-up (Zombie)

• About Her – She is seemed to be part of Noah’s dream as a zombie, but is it a dream? She does not talk, but she does scream, grunt and heavy breathe. The only emotion shown in this film is anger towards Noah. But it turns out that she is not dead, and she is grieving her loss of her husband.

• History – Coral dies in a car crash a couple of years ago that Noah feels was his fault. They meet 10 years ago and had been married for 6 years.

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