Monday 7 December 2009

Ideas From Short Films

In researching my short films I came across some very interesting styles used and ideas in the story that my film could use. Like for instance in ‘The Life and Death of a Pumpkin’ the story was narrated describing the pumpkins slow death and I seeing this, it was a good idea to have the narration in the beginning of my film to describe Noah’s accident. It has a good effect because you get to know the character and feel more sympathy for him when there is an accident. Another idea I’m using is from ‘Lovefield’ where there is a massive red herring leading the audience of thinking the complete opposite of what is actually happening, and I want to do that with my film by at the end explaining that all this time Noah has ad been dead. This would, I believe will make the film more exciting by having twist and turns and give the audience no sense of security and feel not surprised but shocked at the end. In the short film ‘Snap’ has given me an idea of how to film someone who is running and I think that tracking from behind is the best way for the type of film I’m shooting, because I want everything to be mysterious. Last of all ‘Inside’ gave me the idea of having someone like a split personality to contact with Noah just to suggest to the audience that he is still and alive and to Noah himself.

1 comment:

  1. Again, check your written expression Ben. When you quote films for the first time you must write the director's name and the year of release in brackets after the title of the film.
