Friday 4 December 2009


Title - Daedmi


A stressful Shrink has had to deal with the loss of his wife. Ever since the fatal accident Noah has never forgiven himself for his wife’s death. A year on and he is still grieving for his wife, he has given up smoking and has not spoken to anyone except his client for a year. Jack Oswald is his only client who is a schizophrenic and has become a client exactly a year ago.

Recently Noah has started to see flashes of his dead wife, which is making him feel ill and depressed. He keeps this illness a secret, which is a bad choice; his flashes have been becoming more like reality everyday. Until, it does …

He wakes up outside after falling asleep while considering whether to break his no smoking run. He wakes up after hearing a scream he recognised before. He runs to see what has happened, only to find his dead wife standing at the top of the road. He runs to her only to see her she falls down at the top at the road and Noah runs to save her, as he pulls her over he stares in sock to find out that its not his wife but himself. he runs as fast as he can not looking where he is going and enters bright light or into a car. the scene starts up again with him on the floor the camera zooms out to show his wife still alive and Noah dead on the floor from a car crash.


• Make–Up (Zombish Look)
• Car
• Sun lounger
• Cigar or Cigarette
• Watch


• Noah -Trousers, White Shirt, Trench Coat and Smart Shoes (Hat?)
• Jack - Tracksuit Bottoms (Or Jeans?), T-shirt and Trainers
• Coral - Jeans, T-Shirt, Trainers

1 comment:

  1. Do you have pictures of these Ben? A few errors in your last three or four sentences.
